Friday, 8 February 2013

Browser Choices

Since I wrote the instructions for the Browser part of "23 Things", I guess I ought to write about my thoughts on this...

Internet Explorer

Quite simply, I can't stand it. I use it under protest at work, only when I really have to. There are a few things that force me to use it (primarily TeamSite, which we use to update the website), and my computer doesn't seem to be happy unless my default browser for opening links is IE.

So I'm not able to escape it completely - but I try my best to avoid it whenever possible. And I wouldn't dream of using it at home.

Firefox & Chrome

Instead of using IE, I prefer either Firefox or Chrome... and I don't have a massive preference for one over the other. I guess I use Chrome a bit more than Firefox - it does seem to live up to its blurb of being a very fast browser - but I do still use Firefox as well, both at home and at work.

Work vs. Home

I have to say that I find the older browser versions we use at work really frustrating. I find more and more websites complaining that the browser I'm using it too old for them to guarantee that their site will work effectively - indeed, every time I start Firefox it reminds me that it needs updating.

It seems daft that I work for a big organisation that's really IT-focused... and yet I can go home and get a far better internet experience on my personal computer than I can on my work PC.

Yes, I understand that our IT people have concerns about stability, support, security and all that - so I'm under no illusion that any of this is simple... but speaking purely as an end user, I find that having to work with old and outdated tools is frustrating.

Rant over :)

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